Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM)

Status (Source of Truth)

## Summary: The Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM) is a 5-item, self-report scale designed to assess mania symptoms' presence and severity in individuals. Developed for both clinical and research settings, it aids in diagnosing and managing bipolar disorder.


## Instructions for the Clinician: Instruct patients to select the statement that best describes their experience from each item group based on the past week's feelings. Ensure the patient understands the meaning of frequency-related terms and marks the appropriate statement. If an informant completes the measure, record their relationship to the patient and time spent together.

Scoring Methodology

## Scoring Methodology: Score each item from 1 to 5, summing for a total raw score. Interpret scores as follows: 6 or higher indicates a probable manic or hypomanic episode, warranting further evaluation; 5 or lower suggests minimal manic symptoms. Incomplete assessments with two missing items are invalid; with one missing, calculate a prorated score.

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## Citations and Authors: Altman EG, Hedeker D, Peterson JL, Davis JM developed the ASRM, published in Biological Psychiatry, Vol 42, pp 948-955, 1997. Copyright is held by Elsevier and the American Psychiatric Association, 2013.

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Likert Scale
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Scoring Methodology
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Last edited time
Feb 28, 2024 5:53 PM
Last edited time 1
Feb 28, 2024 5:53 PM
Question 1
I do not feel happier or more cheerful than usual.
I occasionally feel happier or more cheerful than usual.
I often feel happier or more cheerful than usual.
I feel happier or more cheerful than usual most of the time.
I feel happier or more cheerful than usual all of the time.
Question 2
I do not feel more self-confident than usual.
I occasionally feel more self-confident than usual.
I often feel more self-confident than usual.
I frequently feel more self-confident than usual.
I feel extremely self-confident all of the time.
Question 3
I do not need less sleep than usual.
I occasionally need less sleep than usual.
I often need less sleep than usual.
I frequently need less sleep than usual.
I can go all day and all night without any sleep and still not feel tired.
Question 4
I do not talk more than usual.
I occasionally talk more than usual.
I often talk more than usual.
I frequently talk more than usual.
I talk constantly and cannot be interrupted.
Question 5
I have not been more active (either socially, sexually, at work, home, or school) than usual.
I have occasionally been more active than usual.
I have often been more active than usual.
I have frequently been more active than usual.
I am constantly more active or on the go all the time.